Mystery Animal
Mystery Animal
The mystery animal game consists of making a skype call,describing mystery animal and asking yes/no questions.
students will try to guess other country's mysterious animal.
After the game,we will discover more about the other culture.
- Proje Ortağı Ülkeler: Türkiye Albania Yaş Aralığı: 12 - 13
- Proje Adresi: Blog/Site Adresi:
- Konular: Biyoloji Yabancı Diller
Proje Ortakları:
discovering diversity of animals in another country
studying in collaboration
experiencing communication
gaining cultural awareness
experiencing challenge based learning
using digital literacy
using deductive reasoning
studying in group work
using resources to find necessary information
developing speaking and listening skills
guessing mystery animal
connection with other country/culture- ÇALIŞMA SÜRECİ
determination of project partnes
studying in groups
creating a logo
choosing the best logo
conducting teacher meeting(before/during/after)
informing students and parents about the project
obtaining parental permits
integration curriculum
collaborative work and task distrubition
sharing the activities to be held at certain times on twinspace
supporting the work done with different web2 tools
powerpoint studies with students
giving hand out so that students can examine the necessary information
teacher and student evaluation of the project
sharing the news of the project on the school page- BEKLENEN SONUÇLAR
students respect other cultures and improve self expression
teachers develop pedagogical foundations as well as professional development and digital learning skills
teachers enrich the teaching style of the lessons by adding cultural heritage
students foster speaking/listening skills and problem solving skills
students acquire skills by practising web2 tools
students develop their emphaty by getting know different cultures
students' interest and motivation for lesson increase
cooperation,communication and discovery skills between teachers and students increase