In everyday life, security is of great importance for human life. People have a better quality of life by obeying the safety rules of life on the internet, at school, in traffic. In our project, collaborative activities related to security problems in areas needed throughout human life will be designed. With our project, which consists of 4 modules, it is aimed at the end of the project to turn the learned students into life skills with the security contents in different fields.
Günlük yaşamda güvenlik, insan yaşamı için büyük önem taşır. İnsanlar internette, okulda, trafikte hayatın güvenlik kurallarına uyarak daha iyi bir yaşam kalitesine sahip oluyor. Projemizde insan yaşamı boyunca ihtiyaç duyulan alanlarda güvenlik sorunları ile ilgili ortak faaliyetler tasarlanacaktır. 4 modülden oluşan projemiz ile proje sonunda öğrenilen öğrencilerin farklı alanlardaki güvenlik içerikleri ile yaşam becerilerine dönüştürülmesi hedeflenmektedir.
- Proje Ortağı Ülkeler: Türkiye Romanya Azerbaycan Yaş Aralığı: 7 - 11
- Proje Adresi: Blog/Site Adresi:
- Konular: Drama İlköğretim okulu konuları Müfredatlar arası Müzik Vatandaşlık Yabancı Diller Çevre Eğitimi
Proje Ortakları:
To improve students' safe internet use.
To learn and practice traffic rules.
To ensure that all security activities reach more people at the end of the dissemination process.
To develop students' life skills and prepare them for life.
Developing their collaborative skills, solving problems.
Practice the need to take care of your own safety in everyday situations.
To use technology efficiently.
Improving students' foreign language skills.- ÇALIŞMA SÜRECİ
Conducting a webinar to meet with Project Partners .
Preparation of the project plan.
Determination of the project logo, poster and mascot.
COVID 19 Events.
Internet security activities.
Student security activities.
Traffic safety activities.
Quality Label Applications.- BEKLENEN SONUÇLAR
At the end of the project, it is expected that students will become aware of security and apply them in their daily life. In addition, by integrating the activities into the curriculum and at the end of the interdisciplinary activities, it is expected to raise awareness about safety in students. Original products are expected to be created with collaborative and interactive activities.